Contributing to ReqEase


Welcome to ReqEase! We appreciate your interest in contributing to this open-source project. ReqEase thrives on the contributions of its community, and your help can make it even better.

Ways to Contribute

1. Adding Response Types/Response Handlers

Extend ReqEase by introducing new response types and their corresponding response handlers. Follow these steps:

  • Create a custom response handler class.

  • Register the handler in ReqEase's configuration.

  • Implement the necessary logic for your custom response type.

2. Adding Modal Handlers

Customize modal behavior or integrate external modal libraries by creating custom modal handlers:

  • Build a modal handler class.

  • Register it in ReqEase's configuration.

  • Define the desired modal behavior or style.

3. Creating Backend Libraries

If you want to replicate ReqEase's functionality in different programming languages, follow these guidelines:

  • Design a ReqEase-like library in your chosen language.

  • Ensure your library includes essential features and interfaces.

  • Encourage the ReqEase community to explore your library.

4. Improving ReqEase

Your ideas and suggestions can shape the future of ReqEase:

  • Open discussions to propose enhancements or new features.

  • Participate in conversations in ReqEase organization's repositories.

  • Collaborate with the community to refine ReqEase's capabilities.

5. Fixing Bugs

Help ReqEase maintain its stability by identifying and fixing bugs:

  • Report issues you encounter.

  • Create pull requests to address identified bugs.

  • Contribute to the ongoing improvement of ReqEase.

Getting Started

To begin your journey as a ReqEase contributor, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the ReqEase repository on GitHub.

  2. Clone your forked repository to your local development environment.

  3. Create a new branch for your contributions.

  4. Make your changes and commit them.

  5. Push your changes to your forked repository.

  6. Open a pull request to submit your contributions for review.

Communication and Collaboration

Join the ReqEase community by:

  • Reporting issues for bugs or feature requests.

  • Engaging in discussions and sharing your ideas.

  • Collaborating with other contributors to enhance ReqEase.

Coding Guidelines

Maintain consistency and readability in your code by following ReqEase's coding guidelines and style conventions.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Ensure that your contributions meet quality standards:

  • Run tests to validate your changes.

  • Confirm that your code aligns with ReqEase's quality assurance criteria.

Review Process

Expect your contributions to undergo code review:

  • Submit a pull request to propose your changes.

  • Participate in the review process, addressing comments and feedback.

  • Work collaboratively to ensure your contributions meet ReqEase's standards.

License and Ownership

Respect ReqEase's licensing terms and ownership structure. ReqEase is open-source, and contributions are subject to the project's license.

Acknowledgments and Motivation

We extend our gratitude to all contributors who have helped shape ReqEase. Your contributions have a significant impact on this project. Let's continue making ReqEase a valuable resource for developers worldwide.


Start contributing today and be part of ReqEase's growing community. Together, we can build a better ReqEase for everyone.

Happy contributing!

Last updated